Monday 23 July 2012

Today is the first day of the Summer holidays, and wow and OMG the sun is shining and it's a beautiful morning. I do hope this is a good omen for the whole of the Summer break.

We're one of those families who isn't having a holiday (again! Not that I'm bitter or jealous of anyone that is, much!) Once again my answer to anyone who asks "are you going away?" is "not this year, no, but next year we will". Luckily Mr F is too little to care.

So what plans do we have for the 6 weeks (and counting) Summer holidays? Hmm! Today we are going to Granddads after lunch, tomorrow meeting up with a friend and going to soft play or National Trust (weather dependant), Wednesday no plans. So yep that's it, I have plans for 2 whole days! OMG.

Obviously that's not all I have planned.

No, I'm not prepared to share all my plans.

How could you think that I'm bluffing?! Pah!

Ok, I'm bluffing I really don't have any more plans.

But hey I've just remembered I bought 6 bottles of bubbles yesterday, so that's the holidays sorted after all! Never underestimate the power of bubbles! 

We have plans yet to be made too, so that's good. Really, we do. We are going to stay at our friends for a few days in hopefully sunny Northampton (and there I was telling you we weren't having a summer holiday away!) I must just share a little story with you. Last weekend we went to our Northampton friends (sorry wasn't in a bloggy mood then so didn't update any). They have an allotment which is a short-ish walk from their house. So Uncle Richard took Mr F for a walk there and back. It's a lovely allotment area as they have 2 playgrounds for the kids and they have toilets! Amazing! Oh and there's lots of plants and stuff too! Mr F when walking back home made a little bottom burp (sorry tried to phrase it as best I can!), and carried on walking quite happily completely ignoring the occurrence, so Uncle Richard being a bloke, decided to join in and so made a bottom burp too. Mr F turned to Uncle Richard and asked earnestly "do you have a poorly tummy?" I don't think Uncle Richard will be joining in again!

We do have a couple of pre-school friends to catch up with in the holidays, no doubt I'll tell you all about that when we do, and some other friends that we've agreed to do a bit of gardening with here and there.

And we have National Trust membership, so I'm sure that'll come into it's own this Summer. Last week I was doubting we'd ever get a Summer, and now being the optimist, I'm planning a full 6 weeks of it! Which reminds me, I must get the outside tap mended so the paddling pool can come out. Oh and I've just bought a climbing frame/slide/swing off ebay, so if it doesn't take me 6 weeks to build it, we'll have that to play on too!

On that note, enjoy the sunshine and I'll update soon. xx

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