Monday 2 July 2012

Wow, the sleep over on Saturday night was a success. This wasn't inevitable, far from it. Last time there were huge tears at bed time and bed time was very, very late. This time only small tears and not so late, so that in my book is a success! And this time Mr F was in a bed, not confined to a cot, so pretty darn amazing. So, very well done Mr F and Aunty Sonya's kids too. 

Hurrah, this means we are no longer confined to sleeping at our house for the rest of eternity..........and Mummy can sometimes get to see friends, and have a real conversation, and perhaps a glass of wine, and the list is endless! Perhaps not endless, but certainly it's progressing.

I know you're wondering what disasters befell us. Nothing too major........ really, only little things like dinner. My friends husband did the kids dinner which was cottage pie. Mr F likes cottage pie, so naturally I'm relieved that this is the choice as I know he'll tuck in and generally he's not a fussy eater so we're lucky with that. 

What I don't know is that my friends kids won't eat cottage pie unless it's all mixed up like baby food. Unfortunately Mr F on the other hand won't eat cottage pie if it is mixed up like baby food. 

When presented with his portion of cottage pie, I sat cringing when Mr Fs  reaction was "yukky" and the plate was rapidly pushed away. Obviously I tried in vain to persuade him with pleas of "just one mouthful for Mummy" and "look, peas and carrots, you love peas and carrots". The only response I got was yet more confirmation that it was "yukky". Cringe, smile, cringe! Thankfully, some tomato pasta was brought out in reserve and he ate that quite happily, reassuring me that my friends wouldn't now think I had a fussy eater for a son. 

Then pudding. Strawberries, yay he loves Strawberries, and trifle, oh dear. Not good. We had a bad experience with trifle just a few days ago so I couldn't see this turning out well. One mouthful. He's eaten it, that's good. Maybe not. He spat it out again. "Yukky". Once I'd washed the strawberries so no trifle remained, (I ate the trifle first, then washed off the remnants if truth be told!) he then ate them all up, and had some melon and pineapple for good measure. 

I'm just grateful that my friends hadn't actually homemade the cottage pie or the trifle so weren't mortally offended that my son was labelling their cooking as "yukky". 

If Mr F is a fussy eater it's of the good kind as fruit and veg are top of his favourites, so I can't rally complain can I?!


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