Sunday 24 June 2012

Saturdays are for shopping, Socatots, swimming, or something else beginning with S!

Yesterday was a Socatots Saturday, so we were up early, although when are we never up early? Actually this morning, Mr F somehow managed to open the child gate that is at his bedroom door and came pitter pattering into Mummy and Daddy's room. OMG! How on earth did he do that? His bedroom door doesn't shut properly and if it did he wouldn't be able to open it (or would he?) as it has an old fashioned latch not a handle, so instead we have a child gate (stair gate), to keep him safe you understand. It's one that you have to pinch in the sides of the handle whilst lifting it up at the same time, tricky enough for parents and supposedly not possible for a small child. Child genius???

Once dressed in bright yellow and blue footie kit Mr F was ready for the Socatots challenge. Basically what happens is for about 45 minutes, Mr F runs around doing mostly as he pleases whilst I try to get him to show case his incredible footballing skills (wishful thinking). Mostly he does the opposite of what Mummy says and then behaves beautifully for the instructor, perfectly mirroring her football skills and displaying an acute understanding of everything she says!

Once back home, we have a snack and we go into town with Daddy. We had BurgerKing for lunch and for the very first time Mr F sat at the table with his cardboard crown on, cute. After dragging him around countless shops, my husband does like to shop, and I'm not joking, we went into TK Maxx. I love this shop, not especially for women's clothes, shoes, bags which are all good, but because I can leave my husband to browse in the menswear whilst me and Mr F cruise the toys and books aisles, yay! We found a couple of great books and a lovely floor puzzle of "things that go", which is my picture for today as sadly, there was no time for artistry with all the S stuff going on!

When we got home, Mr F was fast asleep from the car journey (all 20 minutes of it!) and so we put him on the sofa for him to wake up slowly. In a nutshell, he didn't. He slept and slept, it's been a busy week. So by 7pm there was no sign of wanting to wake or eat, so we shrugged him into a clean nappy and PJs and went up to bed. We did our new stories for bed time, construction vehicles (would send me off to sleep anyway!), and he turned over and slept, bless and goodnight sweetie. xx

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